CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP COACHING & SOUL MENTORING FOR SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEURS & change makers TO CONFIDENTLY manifest your highest level of service, amplify your impact and stay in alignment.

Paradigm Shifters and New earth shapers


Because the world is going through a huge alchemical process, and so does each of us individually.
Because everyone and everything is connected.
You might feel pulled in two different directions: doing your best to hold space for others while going through your own process at the same time.
If you feel like you are periodically going through cycles of initiations, know that you are not alone.
When you operate at that level, Life has its way of testing your resilience, and commitment to the Path that the Divine has carved for you.
This particular leadership role that your soul has signed up for requires a high level of integrity.
That’s why we sometimes are led to shed old skins to align with a deeper level of alignment.
And this part feels lonely because very few people around us can understand.
We all happen to drift apart and lose sight of the big picture when we experience a shift of identity. This is part of the journey. We may even feel like an imposter on some degree.
My calling is to support and guide you while you do this important work of co-creating the New Earth.
My promise is to hold space for you to breakthrough and thrive so that you can confidently lead from a place of alignment and embodied spiritual wisdom.
The time has come for all the New Earth shapers, visionaries, and paradigm shifter to come together.
You hold a piece of this sacred puzzle. Your Soul Tribe has been waiting for you.

The World needs your contribution

We each arrived here to serve and to create.
You possess sacred purpose within.
If we truly wish to serve the evolution of consciousness, of humanity; if we truly desire to evoke transformation on a planetary level, we must align with the sacred, divine vision that exists within the depths of our being.

“ To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it, ”
– Paulo Coelho

Calling on the modalities of depth coaching, archetypal maps and big picture strategy, Kahina guides seekers and visionaries beyond their social identities.
It is a journey of self-exploration into your deepest core.
One of alchemy, transformation and rebirth.
It is a journey through the inner realms, shining light on the unconscious patterns hindering your journey so that your vision may realise its true alignment and full potential.

for The Purpose Seeker

A journey for the soul who is ready to discover who they really are and what they were born to do

For the Conscious Entrepreneur

A journey for the visionary entrepreneur who has or desires a conscious business or non-profit container to honour their purpose

To align with our purpose, birth our soul work and shift collective consciousness, we must turn inwards.
We must dedicate ourselves to stripping back the layers
and unearthing the blockages,
so that we may know the fullest expression of our higher selves
and serve through our most meaningful expression.

Meet Kahina
“Leap, and the net will appear,”
– The Artist’s Way
The meanings of our lives, the uniqueness of our journeys and the greater significance of our experiences and challenges – these are the inspirations of my life and work.

This journey of embodiment, expression and alignment is the catalytic stepping stone to birthing the truth of our soul visions and rising as the Soul Based Leaders of the New Earth paradigm.

Collective Experiences
The power of unity
Sharing space to learn and evolve together through womxn’s circles, retreats and more.

I am ready to rise

loving words

If we wish to truly serve the world through our soul work, we must connect deeply with ourselves and uncover the lessons, messages and power that reside within the mystical wisdom of our own journeys.

Please feel free to share your journey with me and any questions you may have about Soul Based Leaders.
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